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Drennan Yum Yums Soft Hooker Pellets and Yum Yum Bait Booster

Hooker pellets and matching liquids resulting from much time in development and field-testing.
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Product Description
We have spent a considerable amount of time field-testing and developing a hooker pellet with just the right consistency and levels of attraction. Yum Yums have a slightly gelatinous texture, making them soft and spongy, yet durable enough to stay on the hook. They are ideal for pole fishing and can also be used with rod-and-line approaches. Both sizes are perfect for hooking directly, while the larger 6mms can also be carefully hair-rigged with a Pushstop.
Recent additions include the unique Inky Squid Yum Yums. Their black colour creates a vivid silhouette that really helps them stand out amongst your feed. They have also been enhanced with our specially formulated Inky Squid formula for an extra boost. These easy-to-use hook baits have already proved highly effective. We don’t quite know why but a lot of small water bugs are black. Similarly, black is very visual when fished up in the water.
Sweet Fishmeal Yum Yums are also now available. During extenstive testing the creamy sweet flavour has proven particularly effective for F1s and bream as well as bigger carp. The yellow colouration further enhances their appeal.
Our original natural brown Yum Yums blend in nicely with standard coarse pellet feed and groundbait and have been enhanced with a special Shellfish Extract to give them extra pulling power.
The deep red Yum Yums are much more vivid to stand out amongst your loose offerings and boosted with Crab & Krill, two highly proven fish attractors.
The Range:
- 4mm Inky Squid (black)
- 6mm Inky Squid (black)
- 4mm Sweet Fishmeal (yellow)
- 6mm Sweet Fishmeal (yellow)
- 4mm Crab & Krill (red)
- 6mm Crab & Krill (red)
- 4mm Shellfish Extract (natural)
- 6mm Shellfish Extract (natural)
- Ideal for hooking directly
- 6mms can also be hair-rigged with a Pushstop
- Perfect for pole fishing
- Can also be fished with rod– and-line tactics
- Boosted with proven fish attractors
- Ideal for carp, F1s, crucians, tench and bream
Simply unlock the convenient dispenser nozzle with a single twist, then apply some Bait Booster wherever and however you wish. It is great for squirting directly onto pellets and other particles. You can also add it to water when preparing expander pellets or mixing groundbait. Used neat, it has the perfect viscosity for clinging to hook baits. It can even be used to cover or ‘paint’ a loaded Method feeder, pellet feeder or PVA bag prior to casting. You can even try squirting some straight into your pole pot!!
Each Yum Yum Bait Booster is based on a special liquid krill protein base, which is a well established appetite stimulant used in the big-carp scene. Unlike concentrated additives, it is a form of ‘liquid food’ so it is difficult to overdo the application levels. Being denser than water ensures it goes straight to the bottom where it can work its magic, slowly leaking attractants and drawing fish into your swim.
The Range:
- Inky Squid (black)
- Sweet Fishmeal (yellow)
- Crab & Krill (red)
- Shellfish Extract (natural)
- For boosting pellets, sweetcorn, meat and other particles
- Can be added to groundbait
- Can be added to expander pellets before or after pumping
- Can be ‘painted’ onto loaded feeders and Method feeders
- Can help feed pellets to bind
- High density liquid
- Viscous texture